Deliverable D2.4: Trend analysis of good practice vignettes in the FAIRshare inventory

Following the identification and individual profiling of Good Practices (D2.1, D2.2, D2.3), an important step is to identify trends across the whole collection of 58 Good Practices. This is for the purposes of geƫng a grasp of the overall story that emerges from the collection of 58 Good Practices: what are the critical success factors that emerge in the collection? What themes/topics are the Good Practices focused on, signifying key areas of challenge and opportunity? What are the barriers and bottlenecks experienced that the Good Practices address? With the knowledge gained from answering questions such as these, we can identify key, current priority issues for the future development of Digital Advisory Tools. We can also gain important information for ‘theming’ the Good Practices within the FAIRshare inventory, and providing Good Practices with important meta-data, so that end-users can access them topically, according to their interests and needs. These are the aims of the current Deliverable (D2.4).

Read the full Deliverable here.