The FAIRshare consortium will use a multi actor approach to co-create and co-ordinate actions which will enable independent farm advisors and thereby, their farmer clients. A multi-actor toolbox will be developed to support the facilitation and mediation of a multi- actor process that inevitably (and desirably) involves actors with different experiences, perspectives, beliefs and types of knowledge. Throughout the WPs of FAIRshare, different multi-actor scenarios and challenges arise, and these will be addressed by a fit-for- purpose multi-actor toolbox of participatory approaches.
The project will gather data to make available a searchable database/inventory of digital tools and services. As part of the communication and public engagement strategy of WP7, it will focus on awareness building, animating and enabling advisors to make better use of digital tools already developed and used and new tools which will emerge on the digital horizon over the five year period of the project. The project will support a detailed review and support system for individuals and advisory organisations working from advisor level, supporting the strategic sharing of tools, expert users and digitisation expertise and training/development resources.
Drawing from strong Social Science and Humanities (SSH) expertise from within the project consortium (e.g. RURALIS, Teagasc, AUA15 and WUR), considerations of language, culture, skills and socio-economics are deliberately mainstreamed throughout all project activities. Coupled with the multi-actor approach and public-engagement & communication strategy (WP7) the mainstreaming of SSH contributes to support a collegiate spirit of investment in FAIRshare, and of sharing good practice, resources and expertise.
Permanent Networking Facility (PNF) with online search and inventory of DATs and digital support services
‘Good practice’ Digital Advisory Tools and Services
The interface between DA and the advisory & farming communities
Learning from the adoption of new DATS
and adoption of these tools will be valuable in identifying the contextual differences and the issues experienced by farmers and advisors.
Develop Roadmaps towards enhanced use of DATS in advisory services
Exchange, modification and use of digital tools by advisors
Dissemination and communication