Why should you help FAIRshare collect more DATS?

Digital Advisory Tools and Systems are technologies that enable data/information to be collected, analysed and shared between farmers and their advisors, which enable technologies to work much more effectively.

The term DATS includes computer and mobile phone applications and services, the associated backend databases and data transmission technologies and other off-the-shelf, as well as customized tools. They may stand alone, on individual devices, or be connected via the web.

Why is important to help us to collect more DATS?

  • Your DATS will be shared widely across the advisory community in Europe;
  • Your DATS can enhance problem-solving of other advisors;
  • Be connected and develop synergies with other DATS and/or advisors;
  • Improve the accessibility and availability of your DATS;
  • Your DATS could be selected to be part of a User Case in another advisory service;
  • You will increase your profile in the project and thereby increase the likelihood of being asked to participate in other project activities (i.e. workshops/ focus groups/ cross visits/ etc.);
  • Your DATS could be selected as a Good Practice.

To find out everything about DATS and FAIRshare DATS inventory please see our special newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/a211f7865011/fairshare-dats-special-newsletter