FAIRShare Cross-Visit – UC: Ecosystem Services powered by ForestSIM®

Between the 24th and 26th of October, 2BFOREST hosted in Portugal a FAIRshare Cross Visit (CV) for 12 partners to present the user-case Ecosystem Services powered by ForestSIM®, wich aims to extend the implementation of the FSC Ecosystem Services Procedure with the help of DATS.

The CV hosted 6 different user-cases – Teagasc, LAAS, Cajamar, AEIDT, WODR and EPC – and also included the participation of a member of the forest certification group, FSC Portugal and the Center for Forestry Studies (CEF – Centro de Estudos Florestais), from the Lisbon University School of Agriculture (ISA – Instituto Superior de Agronomia).

During the three days visit, there was the opportunity to show the challenges that the 2B_Forest_Group management encounters, but also to demonstrate how ForestSIM® facilitates communication and joint work between the 2BFOREST consultancy team and the members of the certification groups.

Read more about here!

Check below some of the photos of the Cross Visit: