The five year EU Horizon 2020 FAIRshare project held it’s kick-off meeting in Dublin, Ireland on the 29th and 30th of November. The meeting was organised by Teagasc, the Project Coordinator, and took place at the Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin. The kick-off meeting officially and publicly launched the FAIRshare project (see Press Release in Appendix 1). The meeting aimed to familiarise the project partners with the project objectives, activities, management and reporting processes, and interactions between Work Packages, while also presenting an opportunity for project partners to get to know one another. 47 participants attended the kick-off meeting with all 22 project partners represented. Employing the same format used for the ‘Talking Wall’, an online survey was disseminated to all meeting attendees following the event. Participants were asked to indicate what the liked, what they didn’t like, what they learned and what they would change about the two-day meeting. 11 participants responded to the survey.
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