Deliverable D7.7: Final Report on Policy implementation and Final Conference Report

Policy recommendations are seen as a tool to convince policy makers that the issue highlighted by research is important, and the recommended course of action will be beneficial to society in some respect if action is taken. FAIRshare produced policy recommendations report, drafted together by a multi-actor group of partners, including project’s main achievements and findings leading to relevant policy guidelines for policy makers consideration as to better enable and empower advisors and farmers in the digital age.

This report, as an outcome of the Task 7.7. Policy recommendations and final report, comprises the project’s main achievements highlighted in sections 2.1-2.8:

a) Creation of a digital platform (Permanent Networking Facility);
b) Identification of Good practices;
c) The interface between DA and the advisory & farming communities;
d) Development of DAT pilots and User Cases;
e) Development of roadmaps, dynamic action plan and business plan towards the improved use of digital advisory tools and services (DATS) by the farm advisory community;

f) Implementation of digital advisory tool adoption business cases;
g) Communication and dissemination of FAIRshare;
h) Multi Actor Approach.

Additionally, links to relevant public deliverables have been provided, while all other reports are available on the project’s website.

Main achievements have been translated into the set of policy recommendations, following the principle of identified issue, accompanied policy recommendations and expected impact if policy is implemented in practice, listed in section 3.1-3.6:

a) Trust and data sharing, standardization and interoperability for efficient information gathering and exchange;
b) Connectivity;
c) Demonstrate and share the knowledge;
d) Financial support for investing in new/existing digital technologies and services. In addition, this report presents the outcomes of the project’s final conference held on 2-3 October in Thessaloniki (section 4). References are listed in section 5.

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