Task 6.5 aims to develop a training program for advisors and trainers using input from previous project activities and the identification of needs from the FAIRshare user cases (UCs). The project partners LAAS and APCA selected the best training modules for communication, calculation, and decision-making, which trainers can use as examples. Based on these four consecutive pilot training modules were conceptualized and realized by HAFL: What are Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS) and what can they do for you?, How can farmers be motivated to engage with DATS?, Develop your own training of advisors to implement DATS, and reflect deployment and enhance knowledge exchange. The four modules cover a learning and development process for trainers and advisors on the basis of adult training (ARIVA) and knowledge management (storytelling and testimonials) principles. The success of the training depends on the exchange of experiences stemming from trainers, advisors or from testimonials coming from farmers, advisors, and developers. These four pilot trainings were held with project partners in May 2022 in order to verify and improve the program’s quality and get feedback for participants. The main feedback for Module 1 was to make the content of the training more problem-oriented and the training shorter with more time for interaction and less text on slides. For Module 2, participants suggested more time for discussion and for each participant to voice their opinions and experiences in a meaningful way. They also highlighted that training should focus on advisors, not farmers. In Module 3, participants indicated that the more the training can focus on specific DATS, the clearer the learning outcomes will be. Module 4 focuses on learning from examples presented and developing them further; learning how to work with testimonials and finding suitable knowledge-sharing networks in countries.
These modules will be adapted and provided to all UCs in FAIRshare from October 2022 until March 2023 so they can train advisors using DATS.
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