Deliverable D5.2: Factors influencing use of DATS and UCs

The purpose of WP5 was to develop roadmaps towards the improved use of digital tools and services (DATS) by the farm advisory community.  Road-mapping is a strategic co-creation process that brings together a diverse group of stakeholders. In accordance with this methodology, the ultimate goal is to create a common understanding of the best path forward for each UC. As a first step in this process, user cases identified the internal and external factors influencing the use of digital advisory tools.  

This task was led by NAK (Hungary), and comprised a two-step approach: first, training of the UC leaders on how to set up a workshop to identify the contextual factors for their user case, and then second, the mutli-actor workshops itself led by the UC leaders.  

To obtain a structured overview of the different context specific factors that potentially affect the adoption of DATS at UC level, we used a combination of a SWOT and a DESTEP analysis. A SWOT analysis is a well-known strategic planning tool to discover strengths and weaknesses of an individual, group or organization (internal factors), and to identify both potential opportunities and threats (external factors). 

DESTEP is a model that is often used when making an external analysis of an organization in order to support strategic decision-making. 

The most frequently mentioned strengths are DATS availability, Data accuracy, Time saving, while common weaknesses are Data reliability, Data security, Lack of user knowledge and motivation. In terms of external factors Accessibility, Existing infrastructure and Level of digital competence appear many times as opportunities, although the Lack of relevant digital skills appear as threat as well, alongside with other common factors such as Interoperability or Age of farmers. 

The results of the UC workshops provide the necessary information for the other tasks in WP5 leading to the action plan and business plan, but also the further UC implementation in WP6. 

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