Deliverable 5.5 – Visually Strong Roadmap Image and Abstract

The aim of deliverable 5.5 was to create a visual outline of ‘the road to take’ for the enhanced use of digital farm advisory tools at the level of the User cases, underpinned with an explanatory EIP abstract. UC leaders prepared a vision and set out milestones to help them reach this vision. In the workshop on business and action planning (T5.4), UCs came to develop their own action plans for the specific objectives they had previously identified. Based on these actions a refined roadmap for each specific UC could then be drawn up. Developing a roadmap at UC level supported them to plan their upcoming activities and aid them in implementing their UC.

This deliverable is the compilation of the initial roadmap and practice abstract (Nov 21/April 22), the midterm update of the roadmap (Nov 22), as well as the final update of the roadmap and practice abstract at the end of the project (Sep 23).

Read the full deliverable here.