This document presents the results of the T.1.2 task related to FAIRShare web base Search engine API. For this task, DATS and other domain-relevant documents were used as an initial corpus to extract a vocabulary. Based on this vocabulary, domain experts were involved in the development of an ontology used by the search engine.
The web-based search engine consists of three main components. These components are separated by functionality. The first component is related to the front-end application and the second represents the static data i.e. part of text extracted from within documents (snippets), name of DATS, etc. This data was created by analyzing the DATS available in the Inventory, and other domain-relevant documents. Finally, the third component is related to the software part which processes information coming from the first and the second component
The rest of the process is composed of two sections describing the functionalities of API endpoints. In the first phase, the Concept completion, we present the concept completion endpoint. When the user types a query, the API retrieves a set of possible concepts associated with the user’s input (search query. The final step focuses on the search endpoint. This endpoint retrieves all information from DATS, including names and snippets from documents, based on the query of the user.
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