D6.1 Implementation of digital advisory tool adoption business cases

The user cases (UC) are a key point of FAIRshare, which directly adapt the use of digital tools to the needs of the practice and properly implement them.
The aim of task 6.1 is to identify a business case, assign roles and find additional resources to realize better adoption of DATS to reach the vision in each UC.

Before starting the task the work package leaders of WP4, WP5, and WP6 decided to link Task 4.2 and Task 6.1.
To make it more convenient for all partners with an assigned UC, they should have the possibility to make their fulfilments for the UC and the BC at the same time. The first draft of the form to fulfill was sent to the partners before the general meeting in November. Also, a description was given to the partners, for the BC part Naturland developed a Business Case House, where all relevant topics were described and categorized.

In a session at the general meeting, the further process of the UC was explained and the fulfillment was requested until the 10th of December. A lot of questions could be solved in 1:1 contact by the task leaders or work package leader Peter Paree. Another workshop in January helped the partners as well with their upcoming questions and insecurities. Most questions concerning budget, working hours, subcontracting and licensing could be solved before the submitting date. By the 3rd of February, all UC and BC have been submitted.

As can be seen in the illustration, the topic of communication and data management is the most frequently mentioned problem area which the partners want to deal with and solve within the framework of the UC. The focus areas of economics, crop production, and animal husbandry are mentioned more or less equally often. Improving sustainability has also been identified three times as the main topic. As all BCs are going to tackle a need for a group of advisors, the accompanying higher work efficiency for the advisors was not categorized.

The overall budget for the assigned UCs is an amount of 90,000€. Of that amount, 49,500€ is available for personnel costs. The calculation of the available hours is determined in EU projects with the so-called person-months (PM). The total amount of 49,500€ for personnel costs is fixed, therefore the available PMs are depending on the personal costs of each partner.
External development costs of digital tools, such as mobile app development, cannot be covered by this budget. This means that external funding is not possible from the assigned budget of 90,000€. However, if partners can organise other funding possibilities, the use of these funds is of course possible for external work in the UC.

Read the full deliverable here.