The aim of Task 5.1 is to create a dynamic visioning and innovation exercise at a macro level to enhance the adoption and use of digital advisory tools and services (DATS) in different farm advisory services. The topic of deliverable D5.1 was to create a vision at macro level towards enhanced digital advisory.
The core element of the task was to organize a workshop during the general meeting of the project. In this workshop, the participants should elaborate on the vision of how the use of DATS and the digitalization of the rural advisory can be raised and what I can look like in 10 years. In forehand, we decided to split up the partners in their regional groups, because in the ongoing process of FAIRshare there will be a lot of collaboration inside the regions.
To get more in touch with the subject, the partners were asked to state their fears and hopes concerning the digitalization of the rural advisory service.
Most named fears have been: lack of digital infrastructure, affordability of DATS, insufficient training and ongoing support, sustainability, data security, distrust in technologies, and the fear of misuse of data.
Most named hopes have been: increasing efficiency, knowledge exchange, achieving added value, social dimension like improved communication and collaboration, competitiveness and easier decision making, sustainability.
Especially the output of the hopes was a good starting point for the formulation of visions. The visionary ideas can be categorized in social and technical aspects.
Social: New approaches and possibilities for collaboration and knowledge exchange, the importance of independence, in particular of operational data, but also the social aspect concerning the impact of agriculture on society and the reputation of the profession.
Technical: focus on the interoperability of different DATS, but also usability and accessibility. The sustainability of development and use of DATS is and will be considered important because of the increased awareness of citizens and because of the EU Green Deal.
Generally can be mentioned that a DATS has to be affordable and show an economic benefit for the company using it. Data security and the ownership of data are basic requirements for trust in the DATS and a high acceptance as well on the farmer’s and adviser’s side.
Finally challenges affecting the visions were asked to be mentioned. Mostly named challenges:
Added value for users, cost benefits; competency development of farmers & advisors; involving different actors in development of DATS; EU Legal Acts on Data use, sharing, storage and security
There is an overlap between the topics of all four categories. This can be seen as an advantage, because it focused clear what topics are most important and inside the topics could be found a great variety, which gave a good overview at macro level where the digital advisory stands and where it can or should be in the future.
Example: Screenshot and detailed ideas of the results of the visioning Workshop at the annual general meeting of FAIRshare , regional group Western Europe:
Read the full deliverable here.