High Impact Tools are Digital Advisory Tools and Systems with high Impact
This deliverable aims to come with suggestions for features that classify HITS:
For that we have chosen, not only to describe the DATS, but also their impact. Impact can be measured by improved decisions, enabling better advice, better motivated action and encouraged change on a larger scale.
We mapped the characteristics that are used in WP1, WP2 and T3.1. We grouped these in: General information; Usability; Data Security; Benefits and Challenges: Environment & Nature, Business & Economy; Brokerage and Users. From these characteristics we extract the relevant ones for evidence based discussion in focus groups.
With the results of this deliverable, the focus groups could assess impact of tools. From each Fairshare region we asked 2 representatives to score the relevance of each characteristics. The result of these scores was used a for the focus group, to discuss issues like ‘why did you score data management higher and environment& nature lower than average? The Deliverable showed that it is possible to make a set of characteristics that overarches the definitions used in the previous tasks.
Read the full deliverable here.